Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Project: Magic

They don't make dresses like they make bras, huh?  It seems like they'd want to make dresses with all different size waists and busts so that skinny girls with big boobs (like you) could wear the dress and skinny girls with small boobs (like Zooey) could also wear the dress.  Though, I should have known that they don't do that since the designers on Project Runway always complain if they get a model that actually has curves.  When they do that I always shout back, "You mean like REAL PEOPLE WHO WILL HAVE TO WEAR YOUR CLOTHES IF YOU ARE TO MAKE A LIVING DOING THIS?"  It may shock you that I like that show, but I do.  I like watching the creative process.  You don't often get to see the work behind the magic.

Speaking of magic, the passing of Steve Jobs made me sad.  There are two reasons for this:
1) My dad also died of pancreatic cancer.  Any time someone dies from pancreatic cancer I think of my dad.  I miss him.
2) Steve Jobs made things that seem like magic.  I didn't own an Apple product until 2006 but once I did I was hooked because I finally felt like that was how computers should work.  He relentlessly pursued innovation and succeeded.  He's a rare one.

I saw a few snippets of Pan Am because Dee was watching it in our bedroom and I had to pass through there to pee.  It seemed to revolve around JFK.  It could very well be a fantastic program but it's on Sunday night which means I'll never see it because I'll be too busy watching Sunday Night Football.

It's hard for me to be nice to the Nazis.  I mean, they killed soooo many Jews.  I know that most of them were just following orders, but at some point you'd think some one would have said, "Hey, wait just a gosh darn second," or the German equivalent of that.  Also, Nazis are the last group that you can make fun of with impunity.

The paragraph above also works if you replace "Nazis" with "Republicans."

I've never seen Friday Night Lights.  At first I assumed that it was bad.  Then everyone started raving about it and I thought, "Oh, it must be good.  I still don't think I'll watch it."  I have an aversion to sports-based programs -- especially football.  It's really hard to film football (or other sports scenes) and make them seem realistic.  Actors typically aren't very athletic and it shows.  It kinda ruins it for me.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when I once saw an actor's resumé that listed football and basketball under "Special Skills."  Yes, those are special skills that are invaluable to a sports movie if you want people to believe it at all.

Scarlett is now grabbing things.  That's a milestone, I think.  She just had her first cold this past week.  Any first is a milestone, right?  I do think that she is a smiley baby.  I don't know if she's smilier than most babies but it feels like she is.  She's a pretty happy little girl and it's not hard for us to get her to smile for photos.  We are pretty good about not posting every single photo of her, though.  I don't want people to get Scarlett fatigue.

Creative ruts suck.  They suck real bad.  I think there's something to just doing stuff even though you're not feeling it.  I feel like you're much more likely to find that spark that busts you out of the rut if you are trying to do something creative. If you're not trying to do something creative you are much more likely to stay in the rut.  That's why I do 750words.com every day.  Some days it blows ass and it's like trudging through liquid shit but sometimes my brain explodes with hilarity rarely seen.  Either way, it goes a long way to convincing me that creative ruts are temporary.  That's also why I have this and the upcoming podcast that Drew and I are going to do together.

I am in a creative rut right now.  As I type these words.  I'm wallowing in it.

What is the opposite of a creative rut?  An inspiration spree?

Stupid pregnant lady and her marathon.  I've never understood why people get so worked up about running a marathon.  People have it in their heads that it's some kind of major achievement.  Do you know how many people have completed marathons?  Millions.  It does not put you in an elite group to say you have completed a marathon.  Win a marathon?  Yes, that is elite.  Run a marathon?  No, not elite. Yesterday I posted the following on Twitter:
I don't brag about all the pick-up basketball games I've lost, so I thank you for not telling me about the marathon you just ran.

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