Monday, October 10, 2011

Whitney Runnings

Ew.  I didn't know that Whitney made Two Broke Girls as well.  Man, that lady is just smearing her stink everywhere.  Guh. 
Thank you for thinking that I should be in The New Girl instead of Zooey.  This is correct.  It would also mean that I'd get new Anthropologie clothes.  She keeps popping up in them.  Though I tried on the orange dress that she wears in all the ads, and my boobs were too big to fit in it.  Take THAT, Zooey.
Ha ha!  I did mean Pan Am.  I like it less than I did, but I still like it.  I dunno.  I think I just like it for the same reason as I like Mad Men;  Pretty dresses and liquid eyeliner. 
Be nice to Nazis, Jeff.  Most of them were just following orders. 
My new Netflix Instant obsession is Friday Night Lights.  I assume you love it?  Or is it one of those Jeff shockers where you just sort of hate it because everybody assumes that you love it?
Is Scarlett doing anything new yet?  Milestones, I mean?  From the pics on Facebook, she looks very smiley.  Do you think she's smilier than most babies?  Or are you and Dee just better about editing out the ugly pictures and not posting every goddamn photo that you take?
I am having a creative rut right now.  I've just been super-lazy about everything.  It's awful.  Chris says that means that I have to just do stuff.  Force myself to write things, etc.  I dislike this for two reasons:
1. I don't FEEL like writing things!  I'm lazy!
2. My work is wayyy better when I want to to it.  So why make crappy stuff that I write begrudgingly?
Did you hear about that lady who ran the marathon yesterday and then had a baby last night?  What the fuck is wrong with that fucking woman?  No one should run marathons.  Let alone people that are super-pregnant.  Marathons make people die.  DIE.  And they aren't even fun.  And you have to pee your pants to get a good time.  And you have to train for them forever.  And then all you have is your little bib thing with your number, and you get to act like you did something with your life.  Which is that you ran for a long time.  Way to fucking go.  Read a book.  Eat food that isn't out of a ketchup packet.  Life can be pretty fun.
I do support running under the following circumstances:
1) You are about to miss the train.
2) A bear is chasing you.
3) A dinosaur is chasing you.
4) A murderer is chasing you.
5) You are a bear, and you are chasing someone.
6) You are a dinosaur, and you are chasing someone.
7) You are a murderer, and you are chasing someone.
8) Someone is trying to make you watch Whitney.

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