Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Oh, here I am. 

Is Notre Dame doing better yet?  Or are all their games sad and awful still? 

I am doing wonderfully at Fantasy Football, by the way.  I am 3-0.  Though next week may be challenging, as I'm playing Scott, and he has a pretty good team.  Whatever.  He's 2-1.  I'm the BEST!

I used to love stand-up when I was a kid too.  Now I hate it.  I think it might be because I watched so much of it when I was a kid.  Everything just seems redundant.  Except Louis CK.  That dude is fucking wonderful.

Wow.  Murdering fish with guns sounds weird...ly fun. 

I don't think I ever killed things for fun when I was a kid.  But if I think you were going to try and peg me with mass murderer traits, it would probably be based on me playing Monopoly alone.  Often.  Well, not alone - with three of my dolls.  Don't worry, though - I was very fair.  I did not make myself win. 

Isn't an almond a tree nut?

There are many new shows this season.  Thanks to Hulu, I have seen several.  Here are my mini-reviews for you.

1) Up All Night.  (AKA Tits McGee and GOB have a baby.)  It's pretty good!  Maya Rudolph is in it too, and she's funny, but it makes no sense why she's in it so much.  Also, the baby's name is Amy.  This makes no sense.  People don't name babies Amy anymore, particularly on television.  All Amys are 30 years old. 

2)  The New Girl.  (AKA Why is Zooey Deschanel in a TV show?)  Zooey is generally very polarizing.  People either love her or hate her.  I have mild disdain, I think.  There's something about her that rubs me the wrong way, but there's something else about her that rubs me the right way.  She's like a kitten tongue.  It's little and cute, and even kind of feels neat that it's kind of bristly, and it's cool that there aren't really other tongues like it.  But once it licks you for a while, it starts to really hurt, and sure, it's kind of multi-talented, as it is both a tongue and a hairbrush, but really, it's not that good at being a hairbrush.  I mean, it's not like we're all running out and buying hairbrushes (or even cat brushes) made out of kitten tongues.  Anyway, I did not intend to enjoy The New Girl, but I did.  The whole "omigod, she's so QUIRKY" plotline isn't quite as prevalent and unpalatable as it appears in the previews.  I mean, it's there.  But it's pretty fun.  We'll see.    

3) TWA (AKA Mad Men in the Sky) I think I just summed up my whole review in the parentheses.  I like Mad Men.  I liked this.

4) The Playboy Club (AKA Mad Men in Bustiers)  Boring.  Blech.  I didn't finish the episode.  I wasn't even particularly offended.  Just bored. 

5) Whitney (AKA Why Am I Watching This?)  Terrible.  Just terrible.  The studio audience is incredibly jarring, and they laugh at EVERYTHING.  At the end of every sentence.  At things that are not supposed to be funny.  It was embarrassing to watch.  Not embarrassing that I was watching it, (though that too) but I just felt embarrassed for the people in it.  A very uncomfortable show.  I can't imagine this show remaining on the air.  No one will watch it.  Even stupid people.  Or poor people.  Or even the people that are actually in the show.  Or their poor, stupid, parents.

I may have watched more, but I forget. 

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