Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Coyote Druggie

It's weird - I was allowed to watch pretty much anything I wanted, but every once in a while, my parents would get in a random censoring mood, and I wouldn't be allowed to watch something.  For example, after a particularly feisty romp with the houseful of slutty daughters on Just the Ten of Us, I was no longer allowed to watch the show.  Also, I wanted to see Crocodile Dundee, so my parents went to it first to make sure it was okay for me to watch.  It was.  I used to watch Pretty Woman over and over though.
The brewery is called Arcade Brewery.  Here is the website, but it's really just the logo right now.  http://www.arcadebrewery.com/  His beer is fantastic. 
Okay - I understand the candy bar rage a little better now.  I was assuming this guy was just your sweet and slightly gay friend. 
Chris and I are very close to getting a new place.  We're just waiting for the application to go through.  I think the people just have to call Molly to make sure I'm not an evil person.  I imagine Molly will tell them that I am, in fact, not.  Chris and I are both really excited about our place, not least because it looks like a big castle from the outside.  Also, it is directly across the street from Rahm Emmanuel's house.  This makes me feel fancy.  And safe, as there is a van in front which appears to be full of armed men.
At one of the other places Chris and I viewed, the guy showing us the apartment mentioned that he likes to feed leftover movie popcorn to the ducks.  "Oh," I said, "There are ducks nearby?"  "Yes," he replied. "The river is just past those trees.  Oh, yeah.  We have ducks, bunnies, coyotes..."  I told him I liked that it seemed as though he was using coyotes as a selling point for apartment location. 
I think I'm going to take a page from your book and start grilling solicitors on their stories.  "So, you're a Vet, huh?  Tell me about the war."   "Oh, you're blind?  That's a shame.  I'll give you $20 if you can tell me how many fingers I'm holding up."  "Oh, man.  I don't have any food with me.  Just a crapload of drugs.  Too bad you don't have any use for them."

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