Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Stupid Brain

My parents were spotty on the censoring, too.  My dad loved Married With Children and we bonded over watching NYPD Blue.  My mom was more worried about what we were watching.  She once came into the room during a jeans commercial in which people were shirtless and bouncing on trampolines and she said, "I don't think we should be watching this."  I'm pretty sure the actual program was a football or basketball game.  When I was really little (about 4 or 5) I used to sneak downstairs to watch The Tonight Show.  I was pretty good at not getting caught until one day when my dad came home from work I shouted, "Heeeeeeeeerrrrrrrreeeee's JOHNNY!"  I haven't always been as clever as I am now.

Oh wait, I can follow Chris's brewery on Twitter at @arcadebrewery?  Wow.  I'm not sure why everyone isn't following him already.  Is this bit too transparent?  He's not even paying for this kind of promotion.  Well, he's kinda paying you in sex and companionship.  BUT I GET NOTHING.

The stupidest part of my brain thought, "It's really cool that Rahm Emmanuel's house is in Chicago.  Chalk up another one for the city I live in."  The smarter part of my brain then thought, "If violence wasn't completely below me I'd punch you, Stupid Brain."  Does your new place look like a castle because it has a moat or because the structure itself resembles a castle?  If it has a moat, is it stocked with some kind of deadly sea life?  I'm sorry I'm not using outline form for my questions.

It's probably a good thing that you decided to stay away from the coyote house -- especially if you ever want to have pets.  Also, where is that guy getting all of his leftover movie popcorn.  Never trust people who have vast quantities of leftover movie popcorn.

I don't make a habit of calling out solicitors, but I have done it before.  I had a dude ask me for a few bucks for a taco and I told him that I'd just buy him some tacos.  He agreed and followed me to the taco place.  I bought him a bunch of tacos but not before I had to explain to the staff at the restaurant that he was with me and that he would be paying for food.  Apparently, they didn't want this slovenly gentleman buying their 80 cent tacos.  If you don't want poor people in your restaurant, don't make your food affordable.

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