Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Very Amish Birthday

Whoopsie!  Sorry for the delay.  It was my birthday.  You can't get mad.

I get confused for my co-worker, Cassie a lot.  You know Cassie.  We look nothing alike.  I mean, we are both white ladies.  So that's probably confusing for the other white ladies in the office.

You do seem to hate pigeons more than I do.  My hatred is based on fear, rather than violence.  Isn't most hatred based in fear?  And then manifested in violence?

Our commenter is correct about the different hair-bundles.  I have no idea what an inverted braid is.  It sounds like a kind of DNA strand.  Or a roller coaster.

So, I've been almost technology-less for a little over a week.  It's awful.  Here's the scoop.  Chris went to NYC last week for an art teacher conference thing.  Before he did so, he went on a getting-ready-to-move-binge, since a few days after he gets back, we leave for LA, and then have only a few days until we move to the castle.  In this binge, he unhooked the TV, DVD player, and Wii.  Later that day, the internet disappeared from my laptop.  Just vanished.  It doesn't even think it has an internet card.  I could use it to watch DVDs if Chris hadn't packed them all in some un-marked mystery box.  Then he left for NYC.  To recap:

No internet
No movies
No video games
No boyfriend
Happy Birthday to Tristan

Luckily, I have a smartphone, so I wasn't entirely without e-mail over the weekend, but my goodness.  I also have air conditioning.  And a pretty bustling schedule.  So it wasn't completely miserable.

At least I read the Grapes of Wrath this week.  Ever read it?  I never had.  I loved it though - tore right through.  Not that I had anything else to do.  Weird ending.

Really weird.

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