Monday, June 27, 2011

Bag of What, Now?

Men's restrooms also have a low urinal. It's weird and everyone tries to avoid it if they can.  If they can't avoid it everyone laughs and throws Underoos at them.

Women's Workout World. I knew Curves needed a major competitor to be considered legitimate. I imagine the locker rooms are very nice in those gyms.

Fake boobs create a weird conundrum for me. I feel like they are okay so long as you're not trying to pass them off as real. Though, if you went around telling people that you had fake boobs I would feel like it's not okay. Basically, boob jobs are okay if you're someone I like, you had the boobs before I met you or you are in an industry where better boobs are necessary. Or if you are having sex with me right now.

I hate when people make small talk in the kitchen area at work because things like this happen:
Lady: "There's a big bag of penis."
Me: "What?"
Lady: "Penis."
Me: ...
Lady: "Penis.  In the vending machine.  Just like you'd get at the ballpark."
Me: "Oh, peanuts."
Lady: "Right.  Penits.  I'd never noticed them before."
Me: "Yep, the vending machine sells peanuts, all right."
Lady: "I love penits."
Me: "Goodbye."

Now, she clearly wasn't saying "penis" but that's what I heard.  She was saying "penits" however.  That's awfully close to "penis" when you swallow the 't'.  Pun aggressively intended.  My point is that there is absolutely no need to talk to me about anything when I'm in the kitchen filling my water bottle -- especially if you're going to say things that sound like "penis."

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