Friday, June 24, 2011


I feel like closest thing we have to a tall people/short people compromise world is water fountains.  Isn't it weird how there's always a tall person one and a short person one?  I thought for a moment just now that maybe the little one is for the wheelchair-bound, but it would have to be way lower.  Plus, why would they get thirsty?  They're not even doing anything. 

It's a good thing I don't believe in Hell. 

I just looked Humpty Dumpty up, and Wikipedia says, as you did, that the rhyme used to be a riddle.  So you figure out he's an egg because people wouldn't fall into bits.  Or something.  I like that I am too lazy to look up childbirth facts, but will jump at the chance to research anthropomorphic eggs.

My gym is Women's Workout World.  Catchy, no?

I've known quite a few people pre and post boob job.  Does that say something about me as an acquaintance?  Like maybe I need to stop calling people "Bee-stings" and "Ironing Board"?

What's your stance on boob jobs?  Is a fake boob just as exciting as a real one?  Or is it like margarine, where it's okay, but something's just sort of wrong about it?  I'd always been of a play-with-the-cards-you're-dealt kind of person, but that metaphor is kind of dumb anyway.  What game does this refer to?  Poker?  Because in some types, you can trade for a couple better cards.  Or, you can fold.  Or bluff.  Is that what a boob job is?  Bluffing that you have a big pair? 

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