Monday, June 27, 2011

Pee-ter Pan

You are wrong about the W3 (As in-the-know gym-goers call it...) locker rooms.  I mean, they're okay.  But I think I pay like $18 a month for membership there.  So, nothing there is exactly top-of-the-line.  I used to go the Halsted Street Multiplex, where I paid $79 a month.  Those were some nice locker rooms.  All the people there had the same nickname though - "Muscly Gay Guy."

Speaking of nice locker rooms, I went and saw the Peter Pan 360 show yesterday.  This, in case you are unfamiliar, is a play in a huge tent, and all around the top there are video screens.  When the kids fly, they show London sweeping by or whatever, and it's quite breathtaking.  Anyway, as it is in a big tent, there are port-a-potties.  BUT THEY ARE LOVELY.  There's all this wood panelling, and they flush, and there are sinks in the individual stalls and everything.  I think the part of the show where I was most awestuck was when I was peeing.  But the show was good too.

Work kitchen small talk is the worst.  Particularly if you are microwaving something.  Because it's not like you can make up an excuse to leave.  You both know that you are trapped there for another minute and 21 seconds.  Even worse is when you can tell that neither of you wants to make conversation, but you just have to because you're within two feet of each other, and ignoring one another makes you both feel like a big dick.  Or, rather, a big penit. 

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